12. Grammar - Answer Key

Part 1. 

1. (The storm/start/while/they/drive/home)
        The storm started while they were driving home.
        Badai mulai saat mereka dalam perjalanan pulang.

2. (I/see/an accident/while/I/wait/for the bus)
        I saw an accident while I was waiting for the bus.
        Saya melihat kecelakaan saat menunggu bus.

3. (Mary/go/to several concerts/while/she/stay/in London)
        Mary went to several concerts while she was staying in London.
        Mary pergi ke beberapa konser saat dia tinggal di London.

4. (I/have/breakfast/when/the police/arrive)
        I was having breakfast when the police arrived.
        Saya sedang sarapan ketika polisi datang.

5. (My father/cook/the dinner/when/he/burn/his fingers)
        My father was cooking the dinner when he burned his fingers.
        Ayah saya sedang memasak makan malam ketika jari-jarinya terbakar.

6. (The soldiers/prepare/to leave/when/the bomb/explode)
        The soldiers were preparing to leave when the bomb exploded.
        Para prajurit bersiap untuk pergi ketika bom meledak.

Part 2. 

Last Saturday Tom wanted to make two salads. He made (make) the first one in five minutes. He was making (make) the second one when his guest arrived (arrive), and they helped (help) him to finish it. 
Sabtu lalu Tom ingin membuat dua salad. Dia membuat yang pertama dalam lima menit. Dia sedang membuat yang kedua ketika tamunya tiba, dan mereka membantunya menyelesaikannya.

The artist Gaudi designed (design) several houses in Barcelona, Spain. Later he started (start) work on a church. He was working (work) n the church when he died (die).
Seniman Gaudi merancang beberapa rumah di Barcelona, ​​Spanyol. Kemudian dia mulai bekerja di sebuah gereja. Dia bekerja di gereja ketika dia meninggal.

Last month a bank robber escaped (escape) while the police was taking (take) him to prison. Later they caught (catch) him again, and this time they locked (lock) him up without any problem. 
Bulan lalu seorang perampok bank melarikan diri sementara polisi membawanya ke penjara. Kemudian mereka menangkapnya lagi, dan kali ini mereka mengurungnya tanpa kendala.

Philip’s football team were lucky last Saturday. After twenty minutes they were losing (lose), but in the end they won (win) the game by four goals to two. 
Tim sepak bola Philip beruntung Sabtu lalu. Setelah dua puluh menit mereka kalah, tetapi pada akhirnya mereka memenangkan permainan dengan empat gol berbanding dua.

John Lennon sang (sing) and played (play) on many records with the Beatles. After that he recorded (record) several songs without the Beatles. He was preparing (prepare) a new record when Mark Chapman shot (shoot) him.
John Lennon bernyanyi dan bermain di banyak rekaman dengan The Beatles. Setelah itu dia merekam  beberapa lagu tanpa The Beatles. Dia sedang mempersiapkan rekaman baru saat Mark Chapman menembaknya.

The evening was getting darker; the street lights were coming (come) on. People were hurrying (hurry) home after work. I was standing (stand) in a queue at the bus stop. Suddenly somebody grabbed (grab) my bag. 
Malam semakin gelap; lampu jalan mulai menyala. Orang-orang bergegas pulang setelah bekerja. Saya sedang berdiri dalam antrian di halte bus. Tiba-tiba seseorang menjambret tas saya.

Part 3. 

Policewoman: What time did you get (you/get) home from work?
Mary: At about six o’clock.
Policewoman: And what did you do (you/did) after you got home?
Mary: I read the newspaper.
Policewoman: Did anything happen while you were reading (you/read) the newspaper?
Mary: Yes, the phone rang (ring).
Policewoman: What were you doing (you/do) when your husband came home?
Mary: I was watching TV, and I was drinking (drink) a cup of coffee.
Policewoman: Did you and your husband stay at home?
Mary: No, I drank (drink) my coffee. Then I put on my raincoat, and we went (go) out at seven o’clock. 
Policewoman: Why did you put (you/put) your raincoat on?
Mary: Because it was raining (rain), of course. 

Polisi wanita: Jam berapa Anda pulang kerja?
Mary: Sekitar pukul enam.
Polisi wanita: Dan apa yang Anda lakukan setelah Anda sampai di rumah?
Mary: Saya membaca koran.
Polisi wanita: Apakah terjadi sesuatu saat Anda membaca koran?
Mary: Ya, telepon berdering.
Polisi wanita: Apa yang Anda lakukan ketika suami Anda pulang?
Mary: Saya sedang menonton TV, dan saya sedang minum secangkir kopi.
Polisi wanita: Apakah Anda dan suami Anda tinggal di rumah?
Mary: Tidak, saya minum kopi saya. Kemudian saya memakai jas hujan saya, dan kami pergi keluar pada pukul tujuh.
Polisi wanita: Mengapa Anda mengenakan jas hujan?
Mary: Karena saat itu hujan, tentu saja.