Eps 06. Latihan Tambahan E & F - Belajar B. Inggris dari 0

E. Match the adjectives with their opposites.

(A. Cocokkan kata sifat dengan kebalikannya.)

F. Write about the pictures, using the adjectives.

(Tulis tentang gambar dengan menggunakan kata sifat)

1. The man is ... (tua)
2. The girl is ... (muda)
3. The question is ... (mudah)
4. The question is ... (sulit)
5. The mobile is ... (lama)
6. The mobile is ... (baru)
7. The rabbit is ... (cepat)
8 . The turtle is ... (lamban)
9. Musiknya ... (menyenangkan)
10. Musiknya ... (mengerikan)
11. It's ... today (panas)
12. It's ... today (dingin)
13. The sandals are ... (murah)
14. The shoes are ... (mahal)
15. The mouse is ... (kecil)
16. The elephant is ... (besar)