26. Future


1. Lis has come back to London from Holland. Her brother Tom has just met her at Liverpool Street Station. In the sentences below, think about when the person decides to do something. Type Y if you think the phrase is correct, and type N if you think the phrase is incorrect. 

Lis telah kembali ke London dari Belanda. Kakaknya Tom baru saja bertemu dengannya di Liverpool Street Station. Dalam kalimat di bawah ini, pikirkan kapan orang tersebut memutuskan untuk melakukan sesuatu. Ketik Y jika menurut Anda frasa tersebut benar, dan ketik N jika menurut Anda frasa tersebut salah.

Tom: Hi Liz. Do you want some tea or coffee after your journey?
Liz: Thanks. I’ll ...Y... have a tea. (correct) 
Tom: I’m going to ... N... carry your bag – you look tired. (wrong)

Tom: Ill carry your bag - you look tired. (correct) 

2. Use the words in brackets ( ) to write sentences using will and the Present Simple.

Gunakan kata-kata dalam tanda kurung ( ) untuk menulis kalimat menggunakan will dan Present Simple.

Tom will help us when he comes home.

3. Look at Anna’s diary for next week.

If Anna has an arrangement with someone else, use the Present Continuous, but if she does not, use be going to

Lihatlah buku harian Anna untuk minggu depan.
Jika Anna memiliki dia bikin janji dengan orang lain, gunakan Present Continuous, tetapi jika tidak, gunakan be going to.

Ann is talking Tim to the airport on Monday morning.
On Monday morning Ann is going to wash the car.